Design Mission

Our mission at MBD is to design spaces and experiences that ignite joy and foster human connections. We are passionate about creating new design concepts that will have a lasting impression and benefit our community.

Core Values

Do good work, have fun.

Approaching our work with utmost focus and dedication, but always remembering to have a lighthearted outlook. MBD celebrates team collaboration and an upbeat atmosphere.

Design for accessibility.

Design is the force that can revolutionize the world! At MBD, we strive to create design solutions that are accessible and equitable for each person, business, and community.

Design responsibly.

Every project has an influence. Our mission as creators is to make sure we are producing in the most conscientious and efficient way. Thinking of the welfare of people and planet is a fundamental part of MBD. Let's aim to make a remarkable effect!

Leave a lasting impression.


Matt Bird

Principal Designer / Owner

Matt brings a wealth of design experience to the table. In his career he has had the opportunity to work at world class corporations and agencies to bring amazing design experiences to life. His focus has been developing new customer experiences for branded environments, working across the industries of retail, restaurants and corporate events. Some of his most notable projects include launching the first Amazon Go smart store, Inventing a new banking environment for Capital One Cafe in Georgetown and Envisioning a new and fresh design prototype market for Au Bon Pain, coming soon to a store near you.

Previous Experience

  • Target - Store Design, Fixture Designer

  • Big Red Rooster - Environmental Design / Visual Merchandising, Home Depot

  • Whole Foods Market - Store Development Lead

  • Amazon GO - Store Design, Sr. Experience Designer

  • CallisonRTKL - Store Design, Senior Associate, Capital One Cafe

  • Freeman - Assoc. Creative Director, Microsoft

  • Matt Bird Design - Owner, Founded 2021